There are lots of difficulties in this life. Some lead to happiness, some will bent your knees. Sometimes joy will flow easily but when one single ‘shit’ come along, it will ruin everything. Whatever happen, let just cheer for our joy and don’t mind if your tears dripping out of our eyes if we lost or unhapp. That the life should be.
I was busy recently with the courses and the office work. Those were so painful. Sometimes I felt lonesome when gotten in this ‘trouble’. I don’t even attend to church at the weekend because of lack of energy, I mean, very tired. Out of all these matter, I’m still feeling happy because my friends keep contacting me. I feel honoured and appreciated. Some of them (who contacted me) is my long lost friends. They are all up to different stories. My boy friend ( friend), for example, had a newly born son. I still remember that I did late for his wedding ceremony.
Instead of him, I’ve got 6 friends who become new parents! O what a joy! Two of them is my officemmate, one is a collegemate, another two is my bestfriend and at last but not least is my cousin. Out of all them, only my cousin, Clarie got daughter. Now I’m a really big uncle! Hehe.. In this month of November also, I have 9 colleagues who will celebrate their birthday including my sister and my brother. Hey.. happy birthday to you all guys!
O before I forget, I also have a friend who works in Penisular Malaysia who won #5 in the marathon competition in Selangor. Its under PSKPPS (for teachers). Well, what can I say here, congrats! FYI, I called him ‘ayam kampung’ for his courage and strength. I also have one good news for my own... that’s when we have a course in Likas Square Condotel, my condo-mate invited me to Cempaka Square, Penampang. It is a palce where we can do the karaoke things. When I was there, I told them that I can’t sing. But since they insisted, I sing a song entitled ‘Lelaki Ini’ from Anuar Zain and its really impressed them. They’re all liked it and praise for what I have done. OMG, I’m so feeling!! They even say appreciation in the morning before we went to the course hall… haha .. I think I’m feeling a lot here! In my opinion, they also are very good and talented singer, nice tone and dynamic. They don’t just realize it, agree?
Well, thats among the good news that I can share. The bad story is maybe I will lost another friend in this very moment. Easy asnwer for that; cheating and back-stabbing! I did what best to keep this relationship goes well. But I think I had enough pretending that I was fine all the time.. but now, I did rise up my voice to them. Huhu…. Too bad but so relieve. Nobody want to tell them what wrong and right other than friend right? SO be thankful if God don’t send a pearl or gold, but a true friendship! I even lost my friend because of clique problem.. he got problem, I ‘ve got the blame. Stupid but it happens. Poor me!
As for the conclusion, friendship is not all about ‘just’ respect or begin with ‘respect’. Friendship begin with YOU and ME and the chains grow. There are lot more elements that inside the circle including sincerity, acceptence and understanding. Other than that is mystery. So, wake up and realize that. Be a grown man or woman. As for me, I don’t take a single shit, I don’t give a damn!