Showing posts with label Fun talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun talk. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tagged Pitures

I have no idea what to write but I've got pictures to show. People says that a pictures have a lot of unspoken words. Thats depend on someone's intrepretation. Today I'm going to show some of my pictures that taken a few months (or days ago).

This is my picture with Mr. Phill Hobby, CEO of Le Reve Company. Le Reve is one of the most sucessful company that based on perfume sales and beauty product. I'm feeling very lucky to have this moment picured with him. He's our big boss :)

World is now terrified with new virus called Swine flu /influenza A or H1N1. The effecte of getting this virus on human body is severe. Symptoms of this sickness is fever with 38 degree celcius of body temperature (or more), cough, sore throat, ocassionaly vomiting or diarrhea, chills, fatigue, body aches and headaches. More info here. This picture below shows how much we cared for our health :)

Last but not least, I found this newspaper's topic a little bit eye teasing. Is it 'sex crime' or 'sex cream'?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spelling Error #2

Whether we realize or not, we made lots of mistake regarding spelling. Even an adult cannot run away from this problem. I witnessed some spelling error around the places that I visited. I saw a butcher spells 'hotdog' as 'hodok'. A waiter wrote 'borking' which mean 'booking' in a piece of paper to tell people that the table is not avaiable (supposed to say booked or taken). But, let me show you this ....

This kid wanted to write "otot yang saya gunakan hari ini.." but she spelled it "toto yang saya gunakan hari ini..". Its in Malay and whats funny was the word 'otot' (muscle) spelled in other way as 'toto' which is bad words. 'Toto' which refers to vagi*a is a slang (at least I consider it as slang since I dont know what race own that language). So, if you translated that sentence, it sounded in english as "the vagi*na that I used today are..".. and the lists continued... ain't if funny?? or not funny at all? But for me, this is not happen on all day, so its funny :)

Normally, people spelled wrong because of of lack of knowledge and education especially adult, and second is, it is occur to begineers (primary student). This is just my opinion. It is whether we dont know how to spell or we typed / write it wrong. So, what ever is it, who cares what 'toto' that is being used because after all, size does matter.. hahah.. look!

** I tried to change the position but it wont work... but never mind lah.. as long as readable..

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Spelling Error

Spelling error is common problem in language. Even an adult experience this problem. For an adult, spelling error occurred when they rarely use the word or they didn’t alert to the right spelling until it become habit to do it over and over again. It’s happening mostly because of careless. That’s my opinion.

Spelling error can happen to primary students when they didn’t acquire the phonic skills. A phonic skills is simply mean say or pronounce syllables and words. But first, pupils must know alphabet, the consonant and vocal. Of course I can’t explain everything here. Trying to avoid any misunderstanding or making any wrong points.

Last Monday, we’ve been conducting a test to the kids. One of the questions was spelling skill. Here are their answers on how to spell CROCODILE.

Crocodile spelled KORDOYAI ...

KORIBAY... (e-bay? Weston Bay?..)

KOOKEDAI... (kedai..?)

KOKORIDI.. (Koridi or mendidih?)

KOKORADAI... (nokoridai..? hehe)

Almost got the right spelling.. COCORODAI (means: tomorrow never die!)

The worst... BIAWAK! (can he/ she differentiate crocodile and biawak?)

And the real crocodile.. beware! Buaya daratttt!! hehe

Its funny to read, but worst to know that English is hard subject. Nowadays, english proficiency is very demanding especially in education. Under the PPSMI programme (Teaching and Learning Science Mathematics in English), our government believes that by changing the classroom language to english can lead this nation to move forward in development. As we look to this spelling test result, do you think that PPSMI is the best bet to development? Will it successful? Isn’t it hard?